Worth Township Reassessment Notices Mailed

On June 23rd reassessment notices were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office to all properties in Worth Township. The 30 day window for appealing your assessed value is now open. The last day to file a 2017 appeal at the Assessor’s office is July 24th.Worth

Cook County townships are divided into three groups for reassessment purposes. Each group of townships is then reassessed triennially by the Assessor’s office. Worth Township is part of the south group which is being reassessed in 2017. The Assessor’s office has published the 2017 valuation statistics for Worth here.

Appealing your property’s assessed value in a reassessment year may allow you to secure savings for multiple years, until your next reassessment year. Contact us for a free analysis of your property’s assessment in comparison to others, and our professional opinion on your appeal options.

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